Walkshop public space/free space?

During Springcamp 2012 organized by timelab in Ghent, we will propose a new walkshop* on the notion of public space in our contemporary society. Recent events such as the protests held by the Occupy movement, or even not so long time ago during the Arab spring, showed us a different aspect of what could represent the public space.

But how public is a space designed by urban planners and approved by public authorities? In theory it should represent the voice of the people, but isn’t it more leading the voice of the people? Telling them where to sit, where to stand, where to gather, where to walk. The impression of freedom we can get in public space is often an illusion and (not) surprisingly highly depends from cultural and political aspects.

During this walkshop, we will use the city of Ghent as a study case, starting from the core of the historic city to end in the neighborhood of Muide. The walk will lead us through various aspects of public space and how this one is giving freedom or restriction depending on its local purpose. This exploration will serve as an introduction to discuss participants’ experiences of public space (depending on the cities they are from and the one they visited), perhaps giving inspiration for new urban interventions and projects to the artists of Springcamp.

The walkshop is being led by Marie-Laure Delaby and Juan Duque.
*A walkshop is the combination of an urban walking tour with a group discussion and spontaneous exploration.

Date: Saturday 24th of March 2012, 1pm
Departure: Timelab, Spring Cafe, Brusselsepoortstraat 97 – 9000 Ghent

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Filed under Walking as Laboratory, Walkshop

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